3) Give a one off gift of cash or cheque (made payable to St Augustine's PCC), and put it directly into the offering box in the church building, or use the electronic card reader. Alternatively you can post a cheque to St Augustine's Church, 108 Highbury New Park, London, N5 2DR.
4) Give electronically. You can give via your bank or building society directly into the St Augustine’s bank account.
Account Number: 40492779
Sort Code: 40-11-58
5) Leave a Legacy. Contact a solicitor about updating your will to include a gift or legacy to St Augustine's Highbury. If you would like advice on this, please contact the Treasurer, or you may wish to consult specific organisations set up to help such as Church Legacy: http://www.churchlegacy.org.uk or Will Aid: http://www.willaid.org.uk
** Alternatively, you can Telephone 0333 002 1271, email info@parishgiving.org.uk , or fill out one simple paper form (it will take about 4 minutes!) and return it to the Parish Giving Scheme. For a form, please contact the Treasurer on office@stac.org.uk or Tel. 020 7354 5515
Time is valuable and one of the greatest gifts we can give. Everyone matters at St Augustine’s. Everyone belongs and has their own unique part to play.
We each have different gifts and skills which enrich and bless the life of the church family and local neighbourhood.
If you would like to give time to St Augustine's please contact the Vicar. He’ll be delighted to hear from you!